Building the pig hutch, part 3 - the front porch

 Soooo... the pigs need a porch, says Old Head, and he's just the man to do it!

Why do piglets need a front porch? I have mental pictures of little rocking chairs and hanging ferns with piglets sipping mint juleps, gossiping about stud services and such.

"" poor Old Head just shakes his head and sighs.

It seems that Old Head is afraid that the piglets will want someplace to get in out of the rain or the sun in the middle of the day in case the tree above doesn't cut it enough to be shelter. Yup, there's that Old Head thinking again. Darn his logic! Well, I guess someone has to have it.

So off to build (and finish) the piglet hutch.

 And the roof...
You know, really...Old Head is getting pretty darned good at piecing miscellaneous pieces of construction materials together to make something that actually looks like something. These pieces of shingle have been hanging around for some time now, this together with some tar paper that was from a roof repair and a piece of rolled roofing, Old Head has fashioned himself a piglet hutch!

And, the finishing touches....

But that's another story...that includes a very friendly goat.

To read about the beginning of this pig hutch, see Here piggy piggy - building a piglet hutch and Revisions planned for the pig hutch.

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