Revisions planned for the pig hutch

Things constantly evolve and change around here in an effort to get this right before the piglets get here and since this blog is all about the trial and error we go through in this process, here is the latest on the pig hutch.

We got some rain last night so when we got up this morning we went out to the pig hutch to see how it fared.

Most of the inside was dry, except around the edges. It seems that the rain rolled off the back of the roof and went inside a little bit.

We had wanted to keep the top part of the hutch open to allow for air flow and let the heat out in the summer, but instead he is going to continue the plywood sides to extend up to the top, which we are hoping will allow it to roll off of the sloped roof and onto the ground and keep the inside dry. This will fully enclose three sides of the hutch. Then to create a descent amount of air flow, he's thinking about drilling holes with a paddle bit into the sides of the plywood, providing air while keeping most of the moisture out.

The hutch is situated so that the sloped roof will send the water rolling off behind the hutch and out of the pigpen. He also sloped the roof a little bit to the right so it will, hopefully help to keep the excess water from staying in the pen and push it out into the yard and is thinking about putting in a gutter system to help even more, if necessary. Of course it would have to be situated high enough to keep the piglets away from it or they will tear it off.

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