The Gardening Adventure

So, last spring we decided that we would try our hands at gardening. I checked the University of Florida Extension website to find out when to plant what and devised a schedule according to their recommendations. I drew out a to-scale plan of the garden and he dug out the area, mixed the dirt and manure, plotted the garden, fenced the garden and prepared for planting.

I bought seeds and started them indoors by "chitting" them - first time I'd heard that term. Basically it is the process of presprouting the seeds – but I like the word; chit.  After they sprouted,  I planted them in little peat pots and watched them grow until they were ready to plant outside.

Notes to self: (1) peas don't "chit" well - just plant them into the garden. (2) Corn can be chitted, but in Florida it's kind of a waste of time because I don't have to wait as long as those northerners for the frost to leave. (3) Pole Beans grow really, really, really long! A four foot fence is not tall enough to accommodate their growth.

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