The new girls have got it goin' on!

Well. The day has come. The moment has finally arrived!

OK, so I cheated.

The new hens (you know, the ones that were supposed to be laying already) LAID OUR FIRST EGGS!

That's it girls, show the other hens how it's done.
 We have THREE fresh, brown eggs.

I've been reading a lot about how many farmers and chicken owners have to place decoys in the nesting boxes in order to get the chickens to lay eggs. It kind of stirs up their instincts or something. Maybe this will work to get the other girls working.  So, we are leaving them in the nest for about 24 hours, hoping that the other girls will get the idea. It just seems so underhanded to stick a golf ball or store bought egg in there for the decoy. This just feels better.

It seems that our Roosters are excited about the arrivals of the new Banty hens as well, since for the most part, all they do all day is crow, show off, chase each other around and chase hens around.  Sigh ~ ~ ~ our little boys are growing up.

Feather's are flying all over the chicken yard. There are a few gentlemen, but it might be time for chicken and dumplings.

More on that later.

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