You are now entering (or exiting) the Twilight Zone

Did you ever wake up one day and discover that things that you thought you knew, just simply weren't the way things were? That you had been living, blindly going about your days thinking one way when things right under your nose were disputing the very facts that your foundation was laid upon?

Ok, so it might not be THAT drastic but.....


is now named Willy

Black Betty

is now named Black Bentley


is now named Morty

and Martha Stewart

well, we're just keeping the name and we'll call him Marty for short.

And I don't even know which one this is...

And, the best part is that the one chicken that we were told was a rooster ... Jack?

We're pretty much thinking her name is now Jackie. 

They sure are a pretty couple, though.....

Bentley and Aunt Bea

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