Building Chicken Coops

A simple, quick and easy chicken tractor design by Kenny Point, Organic Vegetable Gardening Expert, who says of chicken tractors, "What has wings but doesn’t fly? And a set of wheels that never see the road? ... This contraption will make short work of even the thickest tangle of weeds, and can cultivate the garden’s soil at the same time that it applies a layer of nitrogen rich organic fertilizer. Did I forget to mention that it also eliminates bugs, grubs, and the tiniest weed seeds?" Sounds like a great reason to raise chickens even if you didn't get fresh eggs!

So, as already mentioned, we will be raising chickens this year so I've been looking at TONS of chicken coop ideas, including tractors (movable coops - on wheels), which is probably the type that we will be making. Ken's idea though, is to make a pen that is tall enough for us to walk in, yet light enough to put on wheels and move around the yard. The idea is that the chickens help to weed, de-bug and aerate the soil in an area, then are moved around the yard to the next site. The chickens are happy, we're happy and it just sounds like an all-around good idea.

Chicken Tractor Gallery by The City Chicken    

Chicken Coop of the Month at The City Chicken. There are a lot of really unique and ingenious ideas and designs for building chicken coops and accessories for coops.

Pictures of various homemade chicken coops on

A few DIY chicken coop designs by Silk Creek Alpacas that include an interesting nesting box design with a nice perch/walkway design plus a simple to make bent mesh design for a chicken tractor.

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